My days weren’t always a long list of doctors appointments, prescriptions and obsessive research…
Just a few years ago, you could have found me hiking volcanoes in Iceland, Costa Rica, or Oregon, ziplining in Whistler, climbing the Great Wall of China, or on the jumbotron dancing at Coco Bongo in Cancun. I spent my weekends with my family and friends snowboarding, riding motorcycles or paddle boarding down rivers.
Suddenly I found myself unable to walk upstairs because of joint pain, fatigue had me back in bed by 11 am, and brain fog made it impossible to work or drive.
Using my knowledge in health and wellness, systems creation and problem-solving skills, I created a journal to record everything and finally get a diagnosis. Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/ Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS), Central Sensitization and Trigeminal Neuralgia triggered by a post viral illness.
I’m most likely curled up on the couch drinking a dirty chai latte or kombucha.
Thinking up ways to help women like me with mild to moderate ME/CFS avoid crashes, learn to pace better and find more happiness and purpose in your life.
ME/CFS is hard. It's a roller coaster of ups and downs.
No one understands what it's like to be in your body trapped by unrelenting fatigue, pain, and brain fog unless they've been there.
It's isolating. Sometimes it feels like your only friend is your heating pad.
But I want you to know you are not alone.
I'm in this battle right beside you. I hope to inspire you by sharing my story and mission.
It's time to stop putting your life on hold, waiting to be 100% recovered from ME/CFS, and find acceptance and a new way to live and thrive.
My many roles…
Random Facts…
My Medical Journey